full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Suleika Jaouad: What almost dying taught me about living

Unscramble the Blue Letters

I went to Texas, and I visited Little GQ on dateh row. He asked me what I did to pass all that time I'd spent in a hospital room. When I told him that I got really, really good at sblrbcae, he said, "Me, too!" and explained how, even though he spends most of his days in solitary confinement, he and his neighboring prisoners make board gemas out of pepar and call out their plays through their meal slots — a testament to the idbclierne tenacity of the human spirit and our ability to adapt with creativity.

Open Cloze

I went to Texas, and I visited Little GQ on _____ row. He asked me what I did to pass all that time I'd spent in a hospital room. When I told him that I got really, really good at ________, he said, "Me, too!" and explained how, even though he spends most of his days in solitary confinement, he and his neighboring prisoners make board _____ out of _____ and call out their plays through their meal slots — a testament to the __________ tenacity of the human spirit and our ability to adapt with creativity.


  1. incredible
  2. death
  3. paper
  4. games
  5. scrabble

Original Text

I went to Texas, and I visited Little GQ on death row. He asked me what I did to pass all that time I'd spent in a hospital room. When I told him that I got really, really good at Scrabble, he said, "Me, too!" and explained how, even though he spends most of his days in solitary confinement, he and his neighboring prisoners make board games out of paper and call out their plays through their meal slots — a testament to the incredible tenacity of the human spirit and our ability to adapt with creativity.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
teenage girl 3
real world 2
origami crane 2
friend melissa 2
death row 2
road trip 2

Important Words

  1. ability
  2. adapt
  3. asked
  4. board
  5. call
  6. confinement
  7. creativity
  8. days
  9. death
  10. explained
  11. games
  12. good
  13. gq
  14. hospital
  15. human
  16. incredible
  17. meal
  18. neighboring
  19. paper
  20. pass
  21. plays
  22. prisoners
  23. room
  24. row
  25. scrabble
  26. slots
  27. solitary
  28. spends
  29. spent
  30. spirit
  31. tenacity
  32. testament
  33. texas
  34. time
  35. told
  36. visited